We are pleased to present our newest game: The Carabouille Castle.

This fantastic novelty in our campsite promises to offer our guests moments of pure joy and entertainment.

The game Carabouille is an innovative attraction that captures the imagination of children and their parents. This miniature castle offers a mix of challenges, puzzles and interactive fun that involves all participants. Made with durable materials and bright colors, the game is designed to offer fun safely to our little guests.

The game features several stages that must be completed to achieve the ultimate goal. Each stage presents a unique activity that tests the skills and creativity of children.

The Carabouille is an attraction that will make your experience at our campsite even more memorable. We look forward to seeing the smiles and excitement of our guests as they immerse themselves in this unique adventure. Whether you are a child or an adult, the castle-shaped game will entertain you and make you live unforgettable moments. We are waiting for you at our campsite to try this exciting new attraction!